Thursday, September 23, 2010

of wellies and slickers


Now that was a success!


Today it rained, as it's going to do for the next 8 months. "Oh, bother," I thought, as I peered out the window in this morning's early grey light. That was followed with: "But wait! Wasn't I hoping for this?"

And I was.

And it was as good as I hoped.


The aforementioned shiny new red raincoat was perfect, save one entirely fixable deficiency. It buttoned all the way up to my neck, kept my upper self dry, and looked chic and very 'me'. The missing piece: since the buttons don't extend all the way to the bottom, the front tended to fall away as I pedaled, leaving my knees exposed (oh, the scandal!) to the rain (oh.). So at lunch I picked up some black elastic and will fix up a small tie that can be fastened when riding to keep pants dry. Very important.

Add gumboots (pictured above), a water-resistant purple plaid laptop bag:


...and a plastic hat...

inverse flower

--and I was golden for the ride to and from work in the rain. Like many, I often feel indignant about the plastic hat, but in this case if I hadn't, I would have had to have worn...

...a plastic hat.

So this one pretty much did the trick.

The next 8 months are certainly looking up.

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