Thursday, March 24, 2011

the 'wall'

Wednesday this week was one of those days that reminds me where all those glittering tourism photos of Vancouver come from. Since it was no night to be heading straight home from work to do chores inside, I detoured (and I mean really detoured) around the Stanley Park seawall for the first time in a few months.

I'm constantly recommending to people who have never ridden it to go on a weeknight. Avoid Saturday and Sunday afternoons at all cost, I tell them, because you will spend so much time trying to maneuvre around clumps of tourists and wandering pedestrians that you won't get the full impact of the route.

That night: full impact. The other cyclists out -- from racers to BMXers -- seemed to agree.

The tide was low and it smelled like seaweed. Mmmmmm. Olfactory sunshine. Memories of childhood summers on the sea.

I love the shadow that this empty bike rack cast.

(Don't worry. It won't be empty for much longer.)

Still cool enough for legwarmers and wool coat, though.

Oh oh oh! I'm getting so excited for the upcoming months. It's finally here.

1 comment:

  1. I definitely recommend going when the tide is high and the winds are up a bit... the waves crashing right up on the seawall make for a *totally* exhilarating atmosphere, especially once you get around the point and on the far side of the park!
